
At Shawlands, all admissions are in line with the local authorities admissions criteria.

Admissions are not managed through the school but through the local authority’s admissions team. This includes any in year admissions requests.  The local authority criteria for admissions is as follows: 

1. Looked after children
2. Children with an EHCP
3. Children with a sibling already attending school
4. Proximity to school (which is within a specified distance, on a straight line from school – dependent on each cohort)

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.  For further information, please contact BMBC Admissions on 01226 773677.

Link to BMBC Admissions Information.

Click here for Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

Click here for Shawlands School’s Admissions Policy

Click here for a Nursery Application Form.


There is an appeal process. This is managed by the local authority but all appeals are reviewed by an independent panel with no affiliation to either the school or local authority. 

There are no specific dates for these appeals. They are set at mutually agreed times,

Each appeal is divided into two stages:

Stage 1 – the school and local authority will outline why the school is full and why, to permit any further pupils, would prejudice the quality of education.

Stage 2 – parents are given the opportunity to submit their own personal circumstances and why, for exceptional reasons, this should override the fact that the school is  full.

The panel will make a decision based on the evidence that has been submitted