Welcome to

Lower KS2

All you need to know about Lower KS2

The Lower KS2 curriculum

Key Personnel

Ms Flack   M.Flack@shawlandsprimaryschool.co.uk

Mr Hitchen    B.Hitchen@shawlandsprimaryschool.co.uk

Miss Bailey   S.Bailey@shawlandsprimaryschool.co.uk

Knowledge Organisers. 2023/2024

Autumn Term 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Marvellous Meerkats

Ms Bailey

More about your class coming soon

Epic Explorers

Mrs M Flack

Mrs Flack

More about your class coming soon 

Terrific Tigers

Mr B Hitchen

Mr Hitchen

More about your class coming soon 

Latest Lower KS2 News

Lower KS2 Gallery

Contact Shawlands Primary School

Our Details

Shawlands Primary School is a local authority maintained school in Barnsley MBC


01226 287177


01226 296365


Shaw Street, Barnsley, S70 6JL

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