Our School

At Shawlands we aim to allow and encourage our pupils to thrive academically, creatively and socially by providing a broad, balanced curriculum, engaging lessons and a variety of stimulating experiences in a safe, welcoming environment.

All members of staff are committed to safeguarding all our pupils and help them to learn how to make the right choices and be co-operative and productive both in school and in life beyond school.

We pride ourselves on our relationships with parents and the wider school community, and use Twitter as a daily resource for keeping everyone up to date with the latest news and causes for celebration.

Welcome to our friendly school community

Shawlands Primary School shares a seven-acre site with Holy Rood Catholic Primary School. It has its own securely fenced, tree-lined playing field and playground. On the school field children have access to outdoor classrooms and a wildlife area.

The building contains nine classrooms, four carpeted quiet/shared areas, a large hall for physical education, school meals and assemblies, two small computer areas, a welfare office, a library and a shared kitchen.

The EYFS unit, which is part of the school, consists of a general-purpose room with wet area, carpeted area, cloakroom, toilets and outdoor playground. The school is fully accessible for disabled pupils and staff/parents.

The school day

Shawlands Primary School sessions are as follows:
Teaching time per week (from morning registration until home time) is 32.5 hours. 

Doors open at 8.45am for EYFS, 8.50am for KS1 and KS2

Sessions begin at 9.00am and run to 11.45am for FS2.

Sessions begin at 9.00am and run to 12.00am for Key Stage 1 and 12.15pm for Key Stage 2 with a mid-morning break from 10.30am to 10.45am (KS1 and KS2)

1.00pm – 3.20pm (FS2)

1.00pm to 3.30pm with a mid-afternoon break from 2.15pm to 2.25pm (KS1)

1.15pm to 3.30pm (KS2)

8.45am to 11.45am

12.30pm to 3.30pm

Children can choose from a main meal, a vegetarian meal or a jacket potato.

Only for prescribed medicines to be given 4 times per day

This can be found here.

Watch our School Video






The Nursery unit serves children within this community. The Nursery staff make a home visit prior to children starting. Children are admitted as soon after their 3rd birthday as is possible, each child being taken chronologically from the waiting list. The Nursery accommodates 52 children split equally into morning and afternoon sessions. A separate Foundation Stage Brochure is available (see the Foundation Stage page in ‘classes’).

Attendance at Shawlands Nursery does not guarantee a place for your child in the main school.

You will receive a booklet issued by the Local Authority (LA) in the Autumn Term of the year before your child starts school. This booklet contains an application form, which you should return before the closing date of November in the school year before she/he will start school. Children transfer to school at the beginning of the Autumn Term as FS2 (Reception) pupils will have a full time place available from the September, regardless of when their birthday falls. This is in accordance with BMBC policy.

The admission limit, which is determined by the LA is 40 children in each school year. If the number of applications exceeds this number, the LA will determine which of the applicants receive places.

You are welcome to visit the school by arrangement with the headteacher. A meeting for parents of new children is always held towards the end of the term before your child starts so that you can meet the teacher who will explain her/his role and answer questions.

Click here for the LA Admissions Guidance.

The school has no particular religious affiliation.

During the coming year there will be approximately 310 children in the school and a further 52 part time children in the Nursery.


Regular and punctual attendance is vital if a child is to progress at school. Children should be at school no later than 9.00am (for registration) although doors open at 8.45am (EYFS) and 8.50am (Y1-6). If your child is absent for any reason please telephone as early as possible on the first day of absence to let us know. We will contact you to find out why your child is not in school if not.

Children who arrive after 9.00am will be marked late. When your child has to leave school during the day to see a doctor or dentist, for instance, please show the office staff the appointment letter. It is essential that you collect him/her as children are not allowed to leave the premises during the day unless they are collected by a parent or other authorised person. Children should be returned after their appointment if the school day is still in session. Please avoid children missing their 9.00am or 1.15pm registration mark.

You will be asked to fill in a form containing important information about contact addresses and telephone numbers during the day in case of accident or illness. It is vital you keep this information up to date. We must be able to contact you in the event of an emergency. You will be contacted if we feel your child needs urgent medical or other attention. In the unlikely event of an emergency, the school will act in ‘loco parentis’ and hospitalise your child if this is felt to be necessary. We are aware of our responsibilities to children and will take all precautions to ensure their safety.

The youngest children receive a school medical examination, where hearing and eyesight are checked. Year 6 also have their height and weight checked. You have a right to withdraw your child from these medical inspections.

Please note that we are not allowed to administer any medication in school unless it is prescribed to be taken 4 times a day by a doctor and parents have completed a form (AM1) which they have given to the headteacher. Children must not keep medication themselves in bags or in coat pockets. If a child needs to use an inhaler, the class teacher should be informed and the inhaler given to her/him for safe keeping and ready access. Older pupils (KS2) keep their own inhalers with them. Any medication to be self-administered needs a form (AM4) completing by parents.

Suncream and lipbalm needs to be administered at home and not sent into school.

Medicine will be administered by the Headteacher or other senior staff. Parents may come to school during the day to administer medicine themselves by prior arrangement.

A disability register of staff and pupils is maintained in school. It is the responsibility of parents to declare if their child is disabled.


“Shawlands School is a welcoming and friendly school in which pupil are happy, ready to learn and attend regularly.”

“[The pupils] are polite and courteous and hold doors open for adults. They are keen and enthusiastic to share their learning and contribute their thoughts and ideas.”

“The relationships between staff and pupils is strong.”

“Parents are supportive of the school: ‘This is a fabulous welcoming school which puts the children’s best interests first’; ‘This is a brilliant school, there’s nothing I would change.'”

“Governors bring a wide range of highly relevant skills, knowledge and expertise to their roles… [they] provide good support.”

“Pupils’ safety and welfare are high priorities … you know the families … very well and are vigilant about their welfare.”

“Pupils told me that bullying is very rare [and] that they feel safe in school.”

“Pupils, including boys, are enthusiastic about reading, and they read accurately and fluently. You have effectively developed a ‘love of reading’ through the school.”

“Across Key Stage One, pupils make good progress from their starting points.”


Shawlands Primary School and BMBC recognise that children learn best when they are in school for the whole of the school year.

Central Government policy is adopted by BMBC and by Shawlands and, as such, all holidays are logged as unauthorised absence and in some circumstances the policy states that a fine must be issued.

For further information please see our Attendance Policy.

We need to know when you are taking pupils on holiday in term time and a form must be completed.

Please see a member of our office staff for a Leave of Absence Request Form.

School Performance

Please click here for more information about our school’s performance:

2018-2019 School Results. KS2 data from 2019 to 2022 will not be published, as the government recognises that the data from those years may not reflect current performance. 

School Financial Benchmarking

Please click here to find Shawlands’ Financial Benchmarking Information:

2020 Shawlands Financial Benchmarking Information.

Do you have a question for our School?

We welcome any questions that may be suitable for our Governors to review and respond to, which may include school matters, such ways that we can improve our School, events, community news and more. 

Please complete our contact form and a member of the Shawlands Primary School team will come back to you in due course.

Contact Shawlands Primary School

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